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Class of 2020-2021

M. Santiago Villalpando, parrain de la promotion

Santiago Villalpando est le Conseiller juridique et Directeur de l’Office des normes internationales et des affaires juridiques de l’UNESCO. Il a été auparavant Chef de la Section des traités du Bureau des affaires juridiques des Nations Unies et Greffier du Tribunal du contentieux administratif des Nations Unies à New York, et a travaillé à la Division de la codification du Bureau des affaires juridiques des Nations Unies, à la Cour internationale de Justice et au Tribunal pénal international pour l'ex-Yougoslavie. Il a également participé à des équipes juridiques représentant des gouvernements dans le cadre de procédures judiciaires internationales, et a été conseiller auprès d'organisations internationales.

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 M. Villalpando a enseigné dans plusieurs universités, notamment à l'Université de Genève, à l'Université de Leiden, à NYU et à l’Institut de hautes études internationales et du développement. Il a publié quatre ouvrages, dont L'émergence de la communauté internationale dans la responsabilité des États, qui a reçu le prix Suzanne Bastid 2004 de la Société française pour le droit international. M. Villalpando est titulaire d'un diplôme de droit italien et d'un doctorat summa cum laude en droit international de l'Institut universitaire de hautes études internationales de Genève.


La promotion 2020-2021 du Master 2 TPDIE est honorée d’avoir eu Monsieur Villalpando comme parrain. Son investissement et sa disponibilité ont été grandement appréciés par les étudiant·e·s, à qui il a prodigué de précieux conseils sur l’après Master. Il a également permis à plusieurs étudiantes de s’impliquer dans un projet de recherche et de rédaction juridiques au service des travaux de l’UNESCO. 


After a Law Degree and a Master 1 in International Relations and European Union Law at the University of Paris Nanterre, Kenza joined the Master 2 TPDIE.

In Master 1, Kenza was selected by the professors of CEDIN, to represent the team of the University of Paris Nanterre at the Charles-Rousseau moot court competition 2020 edition. The team obtained fourth place. She speaks French, English and Spanish as well as Chinese and Arabic.

Winner of two eloquence competitions, she is currently a member of various public speaking associations. She was also the presenter and co-organizer of the first edition of TedX Paris Nanterre.

She holds the position of deputy project manager within AEDIN. Kenza is particularly fond of interstate litigation and geopolitics. She wishes to become a lawyer and will take the CRFPA entrance exam next September.


After a law degree at the University of Paris Nanterre, Emma turned to the Master 1 Law of International Relations and the European Union. During her studies, Emma completed several internships in companies and in law firms specializing in various fields: criminal law, international law, family law and asylum law.

She speaks English and Spanish. She has also started learning French sign language. Member of the EUCLID Legal Clinic at Paris Nanterre University, she works with the French Red Cross.

Emma is particularly interested in the law of international organizations and international sports law and would subsequently like to join an international organization or a sports federation. Preparing for the entrance examination for the CRFPA will be the next step in her career as a lawyer, after obtaining his diploma.


Following her license in French and Latin American Spanish Law, Anna joined the bilingual Master 1 in French and Latin American Spanish Law from the University of Paris Nanterre, which she obtained with honors. Passionate about international law, she then joined the Master 2 TPDIE.

She holds the position of Communication Manager at AEDIN and she is a member of the EUCLID Legal Clinic of the University of Paris Nanterre where she works with the association "Notre Affaire A Tous". During her studies, she completed an internship in the legal department of a multinational company and another in a law firm specializing in foreigners and criminal law.

Anna speaks English, French, Spanish and Italian. She is currently writing a thesis on the cultural heritage of indigenous peoples under the supervision of Pierre Bodeau-Livinec.

Anna wishes to orient herself towards a career in international organizations or within the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs.

Thomas HAYON

After a bachelor's degree in law and economics at the University of Nanterre, Thomas entered the Master 1 in International Relations and European Union Law, which he obtained with honors.

Very involved in associations, he was the president of the Ski Club Paris Nanterre association, he created the La Panenka Nanterre association and is currently in charge of communication at Les Unis Verts Nanterre.
He also carried out a humanitarian mission in Argentina.

He speaks English and is particularly interested in the international protection of human rights as well as international climate change law.
Thus, he is currently writing a thesis on “The principle of cooperation in the management of remnants of war through the prism of the environment” under the supervision of Marina Eudes.

Thomas plans to undertake the CRFPA exam next year.

Clarisse JAOUEN

Clarisse studied international and European law at the Free Faculty of Law in Lille, where she particularly studied the law of international organizations and humanitarian law.

Before completing her training by integrating the Master 2 Theory and practice of international and European law at Nanterre, she did a gap year during which she had the opportunity to work in the field of enforced disappearances and parental abductions at Ministry of Justice within an office designated Central Authority for the implementation of international conventions on parental abduction and protection of minors.

Clarisse speaks English and Spanish.

She is currently working on a thesis on “The use of child soldiers for non-military acts”.

She plans to take training to specialize in international family mediation and aims to practice as a lawyer specializing in the protection of human rights within European and international institutions or as an advocacy officer within NGO.


After obtaining a License in Public Law at the University of Paris VIII, Seyon entered the Master 1 in International Relations and European Union Law at the University of Paris Nanterre, which he obtained with honors. He was selected from the team of advocates to represent the University of Paris-Nanterre on the occasion of the Charles Rousseau Competition for the 2020-2021 edition.

He is fluent in English and Tamil and has basic knowledge of German.

During his studies, Seyon had the opportunity to do an internship in a law firm specializing in administrative law and criminal law. In parallel with his Master 1, he also joined the Legal Clinic of the University of Paris VIII.

Seyon is writing a dissertation on “The principle of non-refoulement in the Mediterranean Sea” under the supervision of Anne-Laure Chaumette.

Following his Master 2, Seyon hopes to start writing a thesis. Wishing to combine research with practice, he plans to take the CRFPA exam next year and is actively seeking an internship with an international organization or NGO.


After graduating from the University of Angers with honors in law, Laura wished to continue her studies in Angers as part of the Master 1 in International and European Law. During this first year of the Master, Laura wrote a thesis on “The continuation of the advisory opinions of the International Court of Justice relating to decolonization”.

Laura then decided to integrate the Master 2 Theory and Practice of international and European law in order to perfect her training in public international law. She is currently part of AEDIN as head of the project pole.

As part of the Nanterre EUCLID legal clinic, Laura works with the French Red Cross.

Laura is fluent in English.

She is currently writing a dissertation on the status of Nagorno-Karabakh under international law under the supervision of Mathias Forteau and subsequently wishes to focus on research.

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After a license in public law at the Lumière Lyon 2 University with honors (third of his class), Abdellatif continued with a Master 1 in international and European law at the University of Aix-Marseille.

He decided to integrate the Master 2 Theory and practice of international and European law because of the quality and general nature of the Master.

Abdellatif speaks Arabic, English, French and is learning Mandarin and Spanish.

He plans to complete an LLM next year and be an auditor at the Hague Academy of International Law's summer session in public and private international law.

He is currently writing his dissertation under the supervision of Professor Jean-Marc Thouvenin on “The meaning of the right to regulate in International commercial and investment law”.


Coline obtained a license in law and a license in political science at the University of Rennes 1 with honors. She had the opportunity to do her third year at Riga University.
She then moved on to the Master 1 in International Law at the University of Strasbourg to finally join the Master 2 Theory and Practice of International and European Law at the University of Paris Nanterre.

She completed an internship at the office of a senator representing French people living outside France and an internship with the legal department of the Coallia Association in charge of unaccompanied minors.

Coline speaks English and is a member of the Nanterre team for the Day of Crisis 2021.

Coline is particularly interested in the international protection of human rights, international relations and geopolitics. She is actively looking for an internship in these fields.

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After a Bachelor of Arts at American University and a double Juris Doctor degree, Lisa entered the M1 in International Relations and European Union Law at the University of Paris-Nanterre. She was a student lawyer with the San Joaquin County District Attorney's Office and has completed several internships: at the Human Rights House of the Carter Center in Kinshasa, at the District Court of Columbia and in a law firm. Swedish lawyer. She attended the Jönköping School of International Business in Sweden and was a research assistant for various American professors.

She speaks English, French, Swedish and Lingala.

Lisa is a member of the Nanterre team for the Day of Crisis 2021.

This year she is writing a thesis on criminal responsibility for economic crimes linked to crimes committed in the Central African Republic and the role of the Special Criminal Court.

Lisa wishes to be called to the New York Bar and practice as a lawyer. She also plans to be a Prosecutor in the US system and work for international criminal tribunals.

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After a law degree from Paris-Nanterre University, Milan wanted to continue his studies in Master 1 in international and European law. He then moved on to the Master 2 TPDIE.

He completed several internships in law firms specializing in social law, sports law, criminal law, labor law and foreigners' law.

Particularly involved in associations, he is a member of the Federation of Associations at the University of Paris-Nanterre as elected official (2019) and co-president (2020). Eager to represent his comrades and defend them, he has been elected student since 2019.

He is fluent in English and has basic knowledge of Spanish.

He is currently thinking about writing a dissertation in the field of international economic law, a subject he is particularly fond of.

Milan plans to focus on research, but he does not rule out working as a lawyer, particularly in investment law. He is also considering a career in international economic organizations or within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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After a Double Degree in Law-Languages (LLCER) at UVSQ, Noémie turned to an M1 in International Law at the University of Paris I.

Holder of an M2 in International Relations (focusing on international security and defense issues) obtained with honors at Sorbonne Paris-Nord University, she joined the M2 TPDIE this year in order to specialize in public international law.

She was selected to join the team of advocates representing the University of Paris-Nanterre in the Charles Rousseau Moot Court Competition, 2021 edition.

She speaks English and Spanish.

During her studies, Noémie had the opportunity to do two internships: a first in a law firm specializing in private international and transport law, a second as a lawyer in an association. .

Wishing to practice as a lawyer specializing in public international law, she is preparing for the entrance examination for the CRFPA 2021. At the same time, from March 2021, she will carry out an internship in the inter-state litigation department of the firm of lawyers Sygna Partners.

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Morgane obtained a Law Degree from Paris-Nanterre University, where she had the opportunity to complete her third year at University College Cork in Ireland.
After obtaining her Master 1 in International and European Law at the University of Paris-Nanterre, Morgane wished to integrate the Master 2 Theory and Practice of International and European Law.

She obtained fourth place in the Charles Rousseau competition 2019-2020 edition and was selected in the team of advocates to represent the University of Paris-Nanterre for the 2020-2021 edition.

She speaks English and Spanish and is particularly interested in international law of the sea, international humanitarian law and interstate litigation.

Morgane wishes to take the Bar exam in September 2021 and plans to work in the legal service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or in international or regional courts.

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Louise ROCHE

Louise obtained a License in Public Law, with honors from the University of Clermond Ferrand. She then went on to a Master 1 in international and European law at the University of Angers where she took part in the René Cassin European Human Rights Competition.

Very involved in associations, she is a member of the Board of Directors of the Angevin Network of International and European Law, AEDIN Assistant Treasurer and an active member of the Amnesty International Youth Branch in Nanterre.

She was also able to volunteer for the Bristol Refugee Festival association during her gap year in England.

She is bilingual in English and is learning Spanish.

During her studies, Louise was able to complete two internships: at the National Court of Asylum at the Research and Documentation Center - Legal Department in Paris and in a notarial office of Maitre Edouard Perraud in Clermont Ferrand.

Louise subsequently wishes to pursue an LLM in international law of the sea.

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Zina obtained a Law Degree from the University of Bourges and a Master 1 in International Law from the University of Strasbourg.
Very attracted by public international law and more particularly by international humanitarian law and arms issues, she decided to join the Master 2 Theory and Practice of International and European Law at the University of Paris-Nanterre.

Zina was able to do an internship in a law firm and in the Registry of a remand center.

She is fluent in English and German.

Zina wishes to focus on research and is currently writing a thesis on "the question of the relationship between the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Security Council in the implementation of guarantee agreements" under the supervision of Pierre Bodeau -Livinec.

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After a law degree from Paris-Nanterre University, Mina obtained a Master 1 in International and European Litigation before moving on to a Master 2 Theory and practice of international and European law.

She completed internships in various law firms including that of August Debouzy in the Public, Regulatory and Environmental Law department.

She speaks English and Spanish.

Mina participated in the life of various associations during her studies: She is a former member of the SkiClub de Paris-Nanterre and was able to be the vice-president in charge of projects and events of the FAX.
She is now a volunteer for the French Red Cross and a member of the EUCLID Legal Clinic at Paris-Nanterre University where she works for the Infotrack association.

Being particularly interested in human rights and environmental law issues, she will be doing an internship in the Advocacy Department of UNICEF France from April 2021.

Lauradele SORCELLE

After a License in French Law - Spanish and Latin American Law at the University of Paris Nanterre, and her third year at the University of Granada, Lauradèle wished to specialize in international law and joined the Master 1 in International Law at the University of Paris Nanterre obtained with the mention fairly well.

Particularly invested in ecological causes, she is a member of the Lebanon Mountain Reforestation Committee where she works to organize reforestation programs in the Becharre mountains in the north of this country.

She is part of the EUCLID Legal Clinic at the University of Paris Nanterre where she works with the GIAPS association.

She speaks English and Spanish.

Lauradèle is very interested in geopolitics, interstate litigation and diplomacy in relation to states whose official language is Spanish. She therefore wishes to focus on the Lawyer and will take the Spanish Bar exam in 2021.


Aymeric began his studies in Law at the University of Paris-Nanterre and obtained his Master 1 in International Relations and European Union Law with honors. He then moved on to the Master 2 Theory and Practice of International and European Law in order to receive exceptional training in public international law.

Having at heart to represent students, defend their rights and improve their daily lives, he is currently Student Vice-President of the University of Paris-Nanterre.
He is also Vice-President of the Federation of Associations of Paris Nanterre, Treasurer of the ON'TAPA association, an entity which provides assistance to educational structures in Benin and Municipal Councilor of the city of Chatou.

Aymeric speaks English and Spanish and is interested in the international law of the sea, the law of international responsibility and the law of immunities.

He is considering moving towards research and plans to join an international organization or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs afterwards.

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After a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Texas at Austin, Marcela integrated a Juris Doctor at the American University Washington College of Law and a Master 1 DRIE at the University of Paris Nanterre.

Marcela has directly represented refugees and survivors of sexual and gender violence, human trafficking and torture in her professional experiences. She worked in the Caribbean Protection Unit at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, International Human Rights Law Clinic at Washington College of Law as a student lawyer, Refugee Law Project at Kyagwali Settlement in Uganda, the Center for Justice and International Law.

She is fluent in English, Spanish and French.

She is a member of the Nanterre team for the Day of Crisis 2021 and is writing a thesis this year on the representation of victims in international and regional courts.

Marcela wishes to pass the New York Bar and practice as a lawyer in the United States and France. She plans to join a law firm, an international organization or an international or regional court.

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Fanny obtained a Law Degree from Panthéon-Assas University with a fairly good distinction.
She then went on to an integrated Master 1 in law with a specialization in comparative law / English law with the University Panthéon-Assas and University College London, which she obtained with a distinction. She holds a University Diploma in Common Law issued by the University Panthéon-Assas.

Particularly interested in public international law, she then decided to join the Master 2 in Theory and Practice of International Law and European Law at the University of Paris-Nanterre.

Fanny is fluent in English and has some German knowledge.

Ultimately, she plans to go to international organizations, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, non-governmental organizations.

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Anthony VISINI

After a law degree from the University of Paris 8 obtained with honors, Anthony wanted to take M1 DRIUE at the University of Paris-Nanterre, which he also obtained with honors.

He holds a university degree in Legal Clinic from the University of Paris VIII and has completed internships in law firms, particularly in international criminal and private law.

Anthony has always been keen to get involved in the associative life of his university with the Lysias Paris 8 association of which he was the general secretary and by getting involved as a student representative.

Since September 2020, he has been the vice-president of AEDIN and secretary general of the Paris 8 legal clinic.

Anthony speaks English.

He is currently writing a dissertation on the Antarctic legal system under the supervision of Professor Mathias Forteau.

Anthony is a candidate for the 2021 session of the CRFPA and wishes to practice the profession of lawyer in the field of investment arbitration, international responsibility of States.

Taking a lot of pleasure in the research work, he does not exclude the possibility of turning to a doctorate at the same time.

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