Édition 2021
Stands d'information
Cette partie, animée par des membres de l'Association, s'est déroulée en live sur les réseaux sociaux de l'AEDIN.
Presentation of the association
The AEDIN (in French: Association des Étudiant·e·s de Droit international de Nanterre) is an association created in 2014 at the initiative of former students of the Master 2 Law of International Relations and of the European Union.
Its objective is to create a network allowing:
To establish solidary and professional relations between former and future students of the Master 2 Research Law of International Relations and the European Union (DEA Law of International Economic Relations) and University degree from the International College of Law.
To promote this quality course.
To discuss the topic of international law.
The main activities of AEDIN are:
Facilitating contacts between new and former students
The organization of events (drinks, conferences, graduation ceremonies) and the keeping of a directory gathering the former promotions of the Masters and the University Diploma.
Transmission of information on upcoming events related to international law (conferences, seminars, colloquiums, meetings, etc.).
Advice and assistance to new students of the TPDIE Masters.
You can also consult the Statutes of AEDIN .